Intelligent HTML, HTML 5, XHTML, and CSS3 editing are also provided.

XMLSpy includes a graphical JSON Schema editor and validator, JSON editor, and JSON XML converter. A schema-aware XQuery 1.0/2.0/3.0/3.1 editor and debugger facilitate intelligent querying of XML data. The XPath 1.0/2.0/3.1 Builder / Evaluator and intelligent XPath auto-completion assist in the building and testing of XPath expressions, which can be evaluated against multiple files. It also includes a schema-aware XSLT 1.0/2.0/3.0 editor and debugger for perfecting stylesheets, plus support for stylesheets that use Java, C#, JavaScript, and VBScript. Revolutionary Smart Fix validation not only reports validation errors, but suggests options for fixing them with one click, making troubleshooting a breeze.

Schema flattening and subset creation are also supported. In addition to the world's most popular XML editor, XMLSpy includes a graphical XML Schema 1.0/1.1 editor that allows you to design and document complex schemas with ease.

XMLSpy is powered by RaptorXML for lightning-fast validation and processing. Altova XMLSpy 2020 Professional Edition is the industry-leading XML editor and XML development environment, with intuitive editing views and powerful XML utilities to model, edit, transform, and debug XML-related technologies quickly and easily.